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Reasons Why Cosmetic Companies Fail In Marketing

Reasons Why Cosmetic Companies Fail – The cosmetic Companies is certainly not showing signs of slowing down. A billion dollar industry, it’s easy to see why so many people are trying to get into the field. A combination of affordable e-commerce sites that are easy for people to create their own stores on as well as the ability to reach millions on social media motivate thousands of people to jump into the pool and sell their own cosmetics or someone else’s. It was supposed to be a digital gold rush, but it didn’t happen.   

Why have so many people failed in this industry? There can be a variety of reasons including poor strategy or weak content, low budgets and ridiculously high expectations. However, there may be another reason that keeps these businesses from generating sales each year, loyalty to the brand. Believe it or not, consumers in the cosmetic field are more loyal to their brands than almost every industry. Shoppers are happy to look for deals but at the end of the day they are unlikely to switch brands.

Reasons Why Cosmetic Companies Fail
Reasons Why Cosmetic Companies Fail In Marketing

If consumers aren’t going to change brands are you wasting your time and money? Technically, yes because your strategy is off. You’re mistake is that your trying to get sales rather than giving consumers a reason to be loyal to you. Loyalty is built with trust and there’s no chance that someone is going to see an ad on Facebook and decide to buy from you randomly. If you expect consumers to act in a way you yourself never act, you’re building a plan of failure.   

Reasons Why Cosmetic Companies Fail

The only chance you have at success is to first build up your brand with a strong presence, lots of content, a user-friendly website and a focus on building relationships. That includes a free giveaway to people who want to try your products. This may seem crazy but think of it this way, if you’re spending $10,000 on marketing and get $1,000 in sales and you do a giveaway that costs you $5,000 did you really lose money? Nope and even better, that 5k generated over 2,000 emails for the giveaway.

That’s 2k people who are interested in your brand and you can now email them with new promotions whenever you want. Out of those 2k you will undoubtedly be able to generate more sales over the course of the year for a fraction of the cost of what you would have spent with just the most basic advertising campaign. That’s what it takes to generate a successful cosmetic campaign and build loyalty in your brand. 

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