Business Need SEO

7 Reasons Your Business Need SEO

7 Reasons Your Business Need SEO – It’s another year of you telling yourself that you do not need SEO. Maybe you’ve tried it in the past and it didn’t work out or you’ve heard negative things about it. Search engine optimization is a tricky service because it requires long-term patience and not expecting anything crazy early on. It’s easier to compare SEO to paying rent. You may not see the value of it every month but it’s there and you rely on it each and every day.

7 Reasons Your Business Needs SEO

As you question whether or not you need to move forward with a new search engine team, consider these benefits the service offers:

Business Need SEO
  1. Lower your CPL: The fact is that SEO still offers one of the lowest costing CPL digital marketing options out there. Imagine being ranked on a keyword that barely gets any significant traffic. However, one day there’s a consumer who searches for something different than the obvious, discovers your company becomes one of your best customers. The irony is that happens every day as new data shows that long-tail keywords are not getting higher conversion rates than short-tail ones, meaning people who search for random information are usually looking for just that while people who are looking for specific information are going to be more precise and therefore potentially easier to sell if they see you as a reliable source of that information.
  2. Improve your online presence: Do a search for your company and take note of what you see. Do you notice good reviews, websites that say great things about you, information on upcoming sales you are having as well as the basics about your company? If not, then there’s something wrong and that’s exactly why you need to utilize SEO. Imagine if a potential consumer did the same search and fount that information. Would there be anything there that would keep them from wanting to shop with you? That’s why you cannot overlook the importance of a strong web presence.
  3. Easiest way to generate quality traffic: Again, people who are just trying to find some basic information click on the top of the ads or the first links they see. The people who are really researching this information or looking for a product or service are going to be patient and focused more on the quality of the information. While you may not get tons of traffic, the conversion rates from these types of consumers are much higher and the easiest way to gain their interest is by being ranked on search engines and offering informative content that answers questions and gives recommendations.
  4. Improves your other marketing efforts: Another great benefit of SEO is that it strengths your other marketing efforts. For example, if you are sending out social media ads for your health insurance agency and someone takes note of them, there’s a chance they will search for information about your company before taking an action that may lead to a sale. This goes back to why it’s important to improve your online presence and how valuable it is to look like the top company in your field.
  5. Shows you versus your competitors: Another great and not so often discussed benefit of SEO is that you get to showcase your experience against the competition. When people search for information, they are seeing you ranked among other sites. The fact that you are ranked at the top tells them that you are better established in your industry.
  6. Helps you build an organic following: There are companies that do not have to spend a dime on advertising because they have a large organic following. When they post content in their field it ranks well on search engines because these sites know that this brand is putting out high-quality content that users enjoy reading. SEO helps you create that content and showcase it to audiences all around.
  7. It’s a blue-chip investment: Marketing of any kind is an investment. However, with other services you get the results and then that’s it. SEO is completely different in that it takes time, but it does produce interest in your brand. If you treat it like a long-term investment, you will have long-term success. Much like a stock the rankings can go up and down but if you’ve invested in a good long-term play, you will be able to see consistent profits over the years.

If you have an understanding of the process of SEO you will see why it offers such amazing value and unfortunately, why it does take time. If you are able to add it to your marketing strategy for the year, you should expect to see a great improvement in content creation and web presence very soon.

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